Everybody’s Welcome
Nobody’s Perfect
Anything’s Possible

Here at Friendship Vallejo, we are clear about what we do. Everything we say we stand behind. We are a church who is on mission for Vallejo to make known Christ fully and for every person we encounter to have a wholehearted life in Jesus Christ.

In Vallejo As It Is In Heaven

Purpose Statement:
We are a community of Christ-Led Liberators who Love Jesus, Heal People, Serve Vallejo, and Build Community.

We are a community of Christ-Led Liberators who Love Jesus, Heal People, Serve Vallejo, and Build Community.

What We Value

We are faith-filled and big thinking (Ephesians 3:20-21)

We'll never insult God with small thinking and safe living.  By faith we will stretch our gifts to meet Gods larger goal of reaching those who are far from God saturating each step in prayer.

We reach those no one reaches by doing what no one is doing. (1 Chronicles 12:32)

We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don't know Christ. If Jesus never stopped moving, we will not either.  Our church is not in competition with any other congregation or secular organization, rather, we are visionaries and dreamers who see God in the ways God reveals God’s self to us.

We always bring our best. Excellence honors God and inspires people. (Colossians 3:17)

We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers.  Jesus gave his all, we will give our all.  God deserves the best parts of ourselves and, collectively, we will showcase to our community God’s movement with a standard of excellence. 

We will laugh hard, loud, and often. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Nothing is more fun than serving God with people you love. Cheer is not just present in our generosity, it is also present in our events, worship, and spiritual development.  We will celebrate
more than we criticize.

We honor Christ and His church with our Financial generosity. (Malachi 3:10)

We love to mimic God’s Generosity through intentional faithfulness. We love being the Storehouse that God trusts with overflow. 
Integrity is the standard for our financial stewardship, where we will make wise
decisions with God’s resources.